Throttling notices in every inbox
Custmers will start seeing informational messages in the inbox view{{ email address }}
when there has been throttling imposed on the inbox or sender to the inbox.

Paying customers will very rarely experience throttling. In almost all cases, throttling happens because they were sending to a public inbox, not a custom domain or private address.
We only throttle incoming messages to protect the stability of our service for all of our customers. These protections have been in place for years, but were not transparent to customers.
If you are on a paid plan and you are seeing throttling messages, reach out to [email protected], we can help you configure a custom domain or private addresses. These both can be done in seconds with no need for DNS changes.
If you are on our free tier and seeing these messages, this is a nudge for you to sign up for a paid plan. We would love to have you as a customer.