Parsed Links on Messages API

Message metadata will now include pre-parsed links. This enhancement should make automation even easier.


For example, say you want to test email signup confirmations on your website. Normally you would need to request the inbox for the test inbox:

GET /api/addresses/[email protected]/messages
  _id: 'y39sak29gaer-0',
  subject: 'Confirm your email address',
  from: [{ address: '[email protected]' }],
  to: [{ address: '[email protected]' }]
  // more fields

then download the full email or body:

GET /api/dirty/[email protected]/y39sak29gaer-0
  <a href="">Confirm your email!</a>

then parse the contents and search for the link.

Now the message metadata from the first request will also include a links array of strings:

GET /api/addresses/[email protected]/messages
  _id: 'y39sak29gaer-0',
  subject: 'Confirm your email address',
  from: [{ address: '[email protected]' }],
  to: [{ address: '[email protected]' }]
  links: ['']

This feature should save you a roundtrip to the API and let you not worry about properly parsing HTML links.


API Reference