Deprecation of Mail Transfer Agent on Top Level Domain

What is changing?

Mailsac will no longer act as a mail transfer agent using the top level domain mail server That means mail sent to the mail server on port 25 will no longer be accepted.

This change will go into effect on October 9th 2021.

Am I affected?

Almost certainly not. This is a legacy configuration that has not been published or referenced in any communication for several years. Our logs indicate this feature has not been used as far back as logs are stored.

Customers who setup a custom domain are sent instructions to use the mail servers and during the initial configuration of their domain.

Instructions on our website for custom domains or the free hosting option instruct customers to use and for their MX records. This has been the case for several years.

Why is this being deprecated?

Receiving mail using a mail transfer agent on the top level domain limits our ability to further scale our highly available mail services.

How can I verify I am not affected?

The DNS verification section of the docs can walk you through the process.

For those familiar with MX records, se the command line tool dig or a web based dig tool to verify your MX records are and If your MX records point to you will need to update them to use and

dig example

Use the dig comand dig MX <domain_name> to view the MX records for a domain. In the answer section the hostnames and should be listed.

Web based dig

The web based dig tool can be used to verify MX records for a domain. The MX records should show and

Scheduled Database Maintenance May 22, 2021

Our team will be performing database maintenance on Saturday May 22nd, 2021 from 14:00 – 16:00 UTC. During this period, API, email, and website services may be unavailable, intermittent, or slow to respond.

Updates during and on completion of the maintenance will be provided in this blog post.

All maintenance has been completed and the team is standing by monitoring performance. No further impact is expected.

Spring Cleaning with Mailsac API

My garden has been planted and the days are getting warmer. Next task, cleaning up. Mailsac won’t help you organize you garage or avoid the accumulation of clutter. But it can help you get rid of old emails.

The Delete All Messages in a Domain Endpoint released on March 23, 2021 can help you keep your private domain storage under the storage limit. It’s useful for deleting all messages before running integration tests.

This post will detail the different methods of bulk message deletion.

Cleanup a Custom Domain

All messages in a custom domain can irrevocably be deleted.

From the Dashboard select Custom Domains Select Domain to Mange → Advanced tab → Irreversibly Delete Email

The REST API has a commensurate endpoint for deleting all messages in a domain. It can be invoked by calling an HTTP POST{domain}/delete-all-domain-mail , where {domain} is the custom domain.

Cleanup a Private Inbox

All messages in a Private Inbox can be deleted from the website or the REST API. Both methods will not delete starred messages.

From the From the Dashboard select Manage Email Addresses Select Email Address Purge Inbox

Messages in a Private Inbox can be deleted using the endpoint for deleting messages in a private inbox. The endpoint can be used with the HTTP DELETE method on{email}/messages where {email} is the private email address.

Deleting Individual Messages

Individual messages can be deleted from both private and non-private inboxes.

From the From the Dashboard enter an inbox in the inbox viewer form and select Check The Mail!. From the Inbox, Click the message → Select Delete Permanently Delete

Individual messages can be deleted using the delete message REST API. The endpoint can be called using an HTTP DELETE with the URL{email}/messages/{messageId} . The {email} parameter is the email address and the {messageId} is identifier for the message to be deleted. The messageId can be found by using the list messages in an inbox REST API endpoint.

Improved SMTP Relay Logs

The Recent Activity Log now includes detailed sender and delivery information for outbound email. This empowers customers to diagnose sending issues.

Successful Email Log Entry

The screenshot below shows a successful email delivery sent from [email protected] to [email protected]. The email message id, number of delivery attempts, rejection status, and time stamps are included in the logs

Failed Email Log Entry

The screenshot below shows a failed email delivery from [email protected]. The message id, number of attempts, timestamp, and error message are provided.

This error message indicates that the recipients domain does not exist.

Industry Standard API Documentation

Mailsac API Documentation has been converted over to use OpenAPI.

Code Examples

The new format gives developers and quality assurance testers code samples for common programming languages (curl, Node, Python, PHP, Go, etc).

Explore the API Using Swagger UI

The API can be explored without writing any code using the Swagger UI Explorer. All that is needed to get started is a free Mailsac API Key (requires sign up).

In the Swagger UI Explorer, choose the Authorize button and enter your Mailsac API Key

Use the “Try it out” button to interact with any of the REST API endpoints. A curl example, request URL, response body, and headers are provided.

New Features Available On All Plans

All of our plans now included additional features. These features will help quality assurance teams and individual developers test sending and receiving of email, and easily share non-production email accounts.

To see a complete listing of feature visit see our pricing page.

We are in the process of rolling out these features to our existing customers. Please contact [email protected] if you need access to the features ahead of our scheduled roll out.

Free Plan

Old PlanNew Plan Feature / Limit
N/AEmail Capture
N/AWebhook Forwarding (requires private inbox)
N/AWebSocket Forwarding (requires private inbox)
N/APurge Inbox (requires private inbox)
N/ASlack Webhooks (requires private inbox)
N/ACommunity Support

Indie Plan

Old PlanNew Plan Feature / Limit
10 Private Addresses50 Private Addresses
0 Outgoing Messages500 Outgoing Messages (non-recurring)
N/AEmail Capture
N/AMessage Logs (15 minutes)
N/ADelete all messages by domain

Business Plan

Old PlanNew Plan Feature / Limit
50 Private Addresses250 Private Addresses
0 Outgoing Messages2,500 Outgoing Messages (non-recurring)
N/AWebsite Login using API Key (2 users)
N/AMessage Logs (1 month)

Enterprise Plan (New Plan)

New and Improved SMTP Header REST API Endpoint

Devs and Quality Assurance Testers Can Easily Validate Mail Headers

The SMTP header endpoint provides quality assurance testers with the option to view an email message’s SMTP headers in parsed formats that easily integrate with automated testing frameworks.


Developers and QAs are often asked to validate contents of emails. This can include from address, links, and subject. For many organizations this can be a manual process of checking the email and validating if the test criteria has been met.


Mailsac’s new message header endpoint provides SMTP headers in 3 formats:

1. JSON object format, grouped by lowercased header key. This format is easily consumed by industry standard tools such as Selenium.

  "received": [
    "from by frontend1-172-31-29-224 via with HTTP id 8m7iqeiZKJ3MzwTwUQlU for <[email protected]>; Mon Dec 24 2018 15:29:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)",
    "from by smtp-in2-172-31-42-57 via (proxy) with SMTP id 8m7iqeiZKJ3MzwTwUQlU for <[email protected]>; Mon, 24 Dec 2018 15:29:06 UTC",
  "from": [
    "[email protected]"
  "to": [
    "[email protected]"
  "subject": [
    "invitation to collaborate"
  "date": [
    "Mon, 24 Dec 2018 15:29:06 +0000"

2. Ordered JSON array format. This formats pre-parses the headers, but maintains the original order, while still handling duplicate headers such as Received.


    "name": "received",
    "value": "from by frontend1-172-31-29-224 via with HTTP id 8m7iqeiZKJ3MzwTwUQlU for <[email protected]>; Mon Dec 24 2018 15:29:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)"
    "name": "received",
    "value": "from by smtp-in2-172-31-42-57 via (proxy) with SMTP id 8m7iqeiZKJ3MzwTwUQlU for <[email protected]>; Mon, 24 Dec 2018 15:29:06 UTC"
    "name": "to",
    "value": "[email protected]"

3. Plaintext original format. This format is useful when you are interested in parsing or inspecting the email headers yourself, and do not wish to download the entire message.


Received: from by frontend1-172-31-29-224 via with HTTP id 8m7iqeiZKJ3MzwTwUQlU for <[email protected]>; Mon Dec 24 2018 15:29:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Received: from by smtp-in2-172-31-42-57 via (proxy) with SMTP id 8m7iqeiZKJ3MzwTwUQlU for <[email protected]>; Mon, 24 Dec 2018 15:29:06 UTC
To: [email protected]

“We are currently using the REST API headers endpoint in support between our own microservices. Our POP3 server fetches headers of message to implement the POP3 TOP command.” — Michael Mayer, Partner Forking Software LLC

Getting Started

The message header endpoint /api/messages/:messageId/headers is available on all Mailsac plans (including our free tier). See our API Specification for more information.

This code example could can be modified to view the headers for the first email message on an inbox [email protected]. Make sure to insert your API Key and change the email address to an email address you which is public or reserved by your account.

const superagent = require('superagent') // npm install superagent

const mailsac_api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' // change this!

  .get('[email protected]/messages')
  .set('Mailsac-Key', mailsac_api_key)
  .then((messages) => {
      const messageId = messages.body[0]._id
          .get('[email protected]/messages/' + messageId + '/headers')
          .set('Mailsac-Key', mailsac_api_key)
           .then((response) => {
  .catch(err => console.error(err))

  received: [
    'from [ by fireroof via ::1 with HTTP id bo4xdVji_oqEixBO0gGLbvIoe for <[email protected]>; Wed, 28 Oct 2020 23:05:29 GMT',
    'from [ fireroof with SMTP id bo4xdVji_oqEixBO0gGLbvIoe for <[email protected]>; Wed, 28 Oct 2020 16:05:29 PDT'
  'x-mailsac-inbound-version': [ '' ],
  date: [ 'Wed, 28 Oct 2020 16:05:29 -0700' ],
  to: [ '[email protected]' ],
  from: [ '[email protected]' ],
  subject: [ 'test Wed, 28 Oct 2020 16:05:29 -0700' ],
  'message-id': [ '<20201028160528.2893005@fireroof>' ],
  'x-mailer': [ 'swaks v20190914.0' ]

Multi-User Login using API Credentials, For Team Collaboration

Update: April 2021 – Multi-User login is now called “Sub-Accounts”

Named API Keys can now be used as website authentication.

Custom domains and Private Addresses have been great for quality assurance teams to conduct end to end automated testing of email. But sometimes interacting with an REST API can be a lot of overhead for non-repeating tasks. API Credentials can now be used to login to the website.

All private addresses and custom domains associated with the primary account will be visible from the website for API users. The permissions for API users are the same as API keys.

Quality assurance teams often share credentials of test accounts for the web application they are testing. These test accounts might to be associated with an email provisioned by their IT department or the QA tester’s personal email. Mailsac private domains allow the test accounts to be created in an an environment all members of the QA team have access to.

This feature allows teams to work together in the Mailsac platform. There is no longer a need to for each person to have their own Mailsac account. A named API Key can be created for each person. That API key can be used to interact with the REST API and the website. As a result, password resets and transaction emails sent to a Mailsac private domain can be accessed by any member of the QA team.

“Internally we have used Mailsac for collaboration. Being able to share a private address or domain allows my team members to see exactly what I am seeing. This feature allows our customers to do the same with their own private domains and addresses” Michael Mayer – Member – Forking Software LLC

Getting started is as easy as provisioning a new set of API credentials and enabling the website login on the API Key. This can be done the the Dashboard and selecting API Credentials & Users

Enable Website Login

We will be rolling this feature out to our Business and Enterprise Plans in the next couple weeks. If you have an immediate need for this feature we can enable it on your account. Contact [email protected] to get early access to this feature on you Business or Enterprise Plan.