Transform Your Email Testing with Cypress and Mailsac

If you’re in the business of making or testing software, you’re well aware of the critical role email functionality can play in applications. Particularly in sensitive workflows like user sign-ups and password resets. Testing these features however can often be a complex and daunting task. This is where Cypress and Mailsac come in. Together these two streamline the email testing process; cypress driving it and mailsac capturing and validating any emails that may come out of your testing.

Join me as we explore how you can leverage these powerful tools to automate and enhance your testing workflow, ensuring a seamless user experience in your applications.

This article acts as a companion guide to the video linked at the top. Here, we’ll quickly walk through the topics mentioned in the video but also expand some areas and provide the code that the video uses.

The general path we’ll take in this guide is:

  1. Walk through our application’s reset flow
  2. Safeguard against sending emails to real customers
  3. Automate the password reset process with subject verification with cypress.

Let’s get started!

Setting the Stage: Manually Testing our Next.js App

We’ll focus on a simple next.js application equipped with local authentication features. Instead of starting from scratch, we’ll use Martin Persson’s Next.js Authentication Template. The concepts we’ll test are a common part of almost every application, and by using his template we’ll have a starting point (most) of us can agree on. Martin’s application comes complete with login functionality, member-exclusive sections, and importantly, a password reset flow.

Our goal is to show how we can streamline testing the password reset flow, ensuring that branch of your code behaves the same way every time. By the end of this, you’ll have a clear blueprint for applying these techniques in your projects.

Regular Password Reset Speedrun

Let’s do a quick walk through on how we would reset our password in our app.

Create an Account

The app doesn’t do any email validation out of the box but it does create and store account credentials in its database.

Reset Password To a Real Email Address

This is a standard password reset flow. The main thing to note here is that the application is sending out transactional emails to real email addresses.


During continuous testing we could be building our application and testing its capabilities tens to hundreds of times per month. We’ll need to ensure we don’t send any emails real customers.

This is where Mailsac comes in.

Safeguarding Against Sending Emails to Real Customers

Mailsac has an email capture feature that enables customers to “reroute” any emails generated by your application to an inbox on the mailsac platform. Additional testing capabilities are available including verification of delivered content and ensuring the emails that get sent have the correct subject.

Start Capturing Emails from your Application

Getting started is extremely easy. Just point your application’s SMTP settings to the mailsac’s servers and all outbound emails will be captured.

Our sample application reads in a .env file:

MAIL_PASSWORD="k_99dfuuifjd"         # Your Mailsac API Key
MAIL_USER="mailsacuser"              # Your Mailsac Username

Going through the password reset flow in our application again, we successfully have no emails in our real gmail inbox, and an email in the Mailsac inbox.

Also, we did not create this inbox ahead of time. It was done ad-hoc as the email came into mailsac.

Success. Now we are safe against sending out real emails to customers. Let’s begin the automated testing processes with Cypress

Automatic Testing with Cypress

Our goal with cypress is to automate the clicking of a password reset link, and to verify that an email was actually initiated and sent by our application.

Installing and Configuring Cypress

Let’s start by installing cypress

npm cypress install

And then opening up the cypress testing center

npx cypress open

You’ll be greeted by what kind of testing type to initiate. In our case, we’ll use end to end testing

And the included Chrome browser

We are then greeted by the testing specs list

And now the real work begins.

Configure Cypress

Our configuration of cypress will need mailsac’s client and dotenv library. Cypress will need this to have the ability to read our application’s .env file

npm install @mailsac/api dotenv

We can now define what exactly a how exactly to execute a checkMailsacMail and deleteAllEmails function

import { defineConfig } from "cypress"
import { Mailsac } from "@mailsac/api"
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';

export default defineConfig({
  e2e: {
    baseUrl: "http://localhost:3000",
    defaultCommandTimeout: 15000,
    // Whether or not test isolation is enabled to ensure a clean browser context between tests.
    testIsolation: false,
    setupNodeEvents(on,config ) {
      on('task', {
        async checkMailsacMail(address) {
          const mailsac = new Mailsac({ headers: { "Mailsac-Key": process.env.MAIL_PASSWORD } })
          const messages = await mailsac.messages.listMessages(address);
        async deleteAllEmails(address) {
          const mailsac = new Mailsac({ headers: { "Mailsac-Key": process.env.MAIL_PASSWORD } })
          const messages = await mailsac.messages.deleteAllMessages(address);
          if(messages.status === 204) {
            return true;
          } else {
            return false;
  component: {
    devServer: {
      framework: "next",
      bundler: "webpack",
  // Settings
  env: {
    baseUrl: "http://localhost:3000",
    username: "[email protected]",
    password: "password123",

The contents of this file are fully explained in the video (Starting at 6:24) but to call out the highlighted lines (13-30):


The checkMailsacMail function initiates a mailsac client and uses the API key provided from the .env file variable, MAIL_PASSWORD. It then calls the listMessages function and passes it up to the calling function to do as it pleases. The function returns a JSON response as outlined in the Mailsac ListMessages documentation.


Similar to checkMailsacMail but of course, deletes all messages in an inbox. Note that the return is a 204 to confirm deletion.

Let’s move on to the actual password testing spec

Password Reset Flow Test Spec

The spec itself is placed in the cypress/e2e/ path and contains:

describe('Password Reset Change', () => {
  it('Should successfully change the password', () => {

    // Find a button with class and contains text
    cy.get(".MuiButton-root").contains("Sign in").click()

    // The new url should include
    cy.url().should("include", "/login")

    const { username, password } = Cypress.env()

    cy.get("a").contains("Forgot password").click()

    cy.url().should("include", "/forgot-password")

    cy.get("input[name=email]").should("have.value", username);

    cy.url().should("include", "/login")    

    cy.task("checkMailsacMail", username).then((messages) => {
      const resetUrl = messages[0].links[0];
      const subject = messages[0].subject;
      const originalInbox = messages[0].originalInbox;

      expect(subject).to.eq("next-boilerplate: Reset your password.");

      cy.url().should("include", resetUrl);

      cy.task("deleteAllEmails", username).then((result) => {


Cypress will run through this spec file line by line and execute the steps we manually ran through at the beginning of the guide. The highlighted lines are really the structure of the returned JSON from mailsac’s ListMessages API

Final Automation

The the spec file in place, go ahead and run the spec

Wrap up

Combining Cypress and Mailsac is like giving your email testing a super boost. We’ve walked you through the nitty-gritty of automating a password reset flow, making sure your emails hit the mark without bothering real customers. It’s all about making your software solid while keeping things simple and stress-free. Give it a try, save time, and keep your users smiling.

If you have any questions about the guide or if you get stuck feel free to ask us anything in our forums.

November 2023 Release Notes

Throttling notices in every inbox

Custmers will start seeing informational messages in the inbox view{{ email address }} when there has been throttling imposed on the inbox or sender to the inbox.

Paying customers will very rarely experience throttling. In almost all cases, throttling happens because they were sending to a public inbox, not a custom domain or private address.

We only throttle incoming messages to protect the stability of our service for all of our customers. These protections have been in place for years, but were not transparent to customers.

If you are on a paid plan and you are seeing throttling messages, reach out to [email protected], we can help you configure a custom domain or private addresses. These both can be done in seconds with no need for DNS changes.

If you are on our free tier and seeing these messages, this is a nudge for you to sign up for a paid plan. We would love to have you as a customer.

Updates and Fixes For October 2023

Unified Inbox, UI Modernization Efforts, and Maintenance Notifications

We do our best to be customer-focused by listening to our customer feedback and making sure your issues are addressed.

This month, we focused on UI issues that customers reported or we noticed when we were using our service.

Improved Maintenance Notifications

During a major database upgrade in September we noticed our maintenance notification on the website wasn’t always working properly. This resulted in customers seeing an unfriendly error.

From now on, customers will see a friendlier error page or API message when we are down for maintenance. That’s typically rare – once a year on average. We deploy often. Mailsac’s architecture has several load balancers and caches, and redundancies – we avoid stop-the-world events. But sometimes that’s unavoidable, and we hope it won’t be confusing.

Unified Inbox

The navigation bar for the Unified Inbox now works properly under Safari. It should no longer be cut-off (missing pagination buttons) in other browsers while viewing a message.

Starred messages for non-owned inboxes will now appear in the Unified Inbox.

UI Modernization

As noted in previous posts, we are migrating the entire Mailsac user interface to React and Next.js. After all pages are migrated, we will give the styling a facelift.

For now the migration should look seamless – perhaps slightly faster and more solid (thank you static typing and pre-compilation).

The account details page has been converted over to Next.js.

A bug that didn’t allow a customer to remove an invoice email was fixed.

The password reset and account deletion functions were moved to their own pages.

We added many more integration tests to account management features.

Backend upgrades

On a weekly basis we patch, upgrade and improve the many backend systems of Mailsac across several environments. Typically this involves making small change to ansible, terraform, docker, code dependencies, or other infra-as-code. We often migrate portions of the 12+ year old Node.js JavaScript codebase to TypeScript or Go. If we’re luckily, we can delete unnecessary code or remove a dependency.

To run this SaaS smoothly, every day we get onto the software treadmill. We we enjoy running this service immensely, and hope you enjoy using it.

Updates and Fixes In August and September 2023

Mailsac remains committed to continuous improvement. Every day we improve the product based on customer feedback and SaaS best practices.

Here’s a summary of the latest enhancements.

  • New homepage and header navigation enhancements.
  • SAML Configuration Fix: enabled customer-supported account deletion when SAML is configured.
  • Testing: refactored and extended test coverage to payment processing.
  • Database: A series of database upgrades have been applied. This will continue through October to ensure we are leveraging the latest fixes and performance improvements.
  • Next.js: we continue overhauling the entire site using Next.js, in anticipation of a major restyle in 2024.

There are no breaking changes to any public API in these releases.

For further inquiries, please contact [email protected]

Scheduled Maintenance Notification for Mailsac – October 7th 2024

We want to inform you about a scheduled maintenance window set for October 7th between 0600 and 0800 PST (1300 – 1500 UTC). During this period, our team will be conducting a database upgrade to enhance the performance and reliability of our services.

Please note that requests to the REST API and the Web application may fail during this maintenance window. We recommend avoiding making requests to our services during this time to prevent any inconveniences.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Rest assured that we are working hard to minimize the downtime and to continue delivering quality service to all our valued users.

Thank you for choosing Mailsac!

Best, The Mailsac Team

Mailsac Enhances Free Tier: Introduces One Free Private Address for Improved Privacy and Advanced Email Testing Capabilities

We’re delighted to announce a significant enhancement to our free tier plan, specifically tailored to meet the needs of Quality Assurance (QA) teams and automated testers. Effective immediately, all free Mailsac users will have access to one free private address, enabling them to maintain confidentiality during email testing and ensure privacy for sensitive testing communications.

The addition of the free private address empowers QA teams and automated testers with an extra layer of control over their email testing activities. With the free private address, they can separate and safeguard their testing correspondence, ensuring the confidentiality of valuable testing data. By seamlessly managing both public and private email addresses within a single Mailsac account, QA teams and automated testers can streamline their workflow and simplify the management of their testing environments.

“At Mailsac, we understand the critical importance of data privacy and confidentiality in the testing process. We are excited to offer QA teams and automated testers the advantage of one free private address to enhance their email testing capabilities,” stated Michael Mayer, managing executive at Mailsac. “This enhancement is a testament to our commitment to empowering professionals in the QA field with robust email solutions that prioritize privacy and security.”

In addition to the free private address, Mailsac’s free tier plan includes a comprehensive range of features designed to cater to the unique needs of QA teams and automated testers. These features include rolling message storage space, customizable email addresses, and reliable email forwarding and routing capabilities. The ability to forward emails to various testing integrations environments, via Slack, webhooks, websockets, and other Mailsac addresses, facilitates seamless communication and collaboration within a company’s testing ecosystem. Furthermore, Mailsac provides a robust REST API, enabling QA teams and automated testers to check and manage email messages with ease during their testing cycles.

To benefit from enhanced privacy, advanced email testing capabilities, and a comprehensive range of features, QA teams and automated testers can sign up for Mailsac’s free tier plan at The inclusion of the free private address and the expanded email testing options demonstrate Mailsac’s commitment to meeting the specific requirements of QA professionals, enabling them to conduct thorough and secure email testing.

About Mailsac: Mailsac is the leading provider of secure and flexible email testing services, catering to the needs of individuals, small businesses, and organizations worldwide. With a strong emphasis on user privacy and data protection, Mailsac empowers QA teams and automated testers to conduct rigorous and secure email testing while maintaining control over their digital identities. From the free tier plan to enterprise offerings, Mailsac delivers unmatched email solutions and exceptional customer support.

For media inquiries, please contact: Michael Mayer Email: [email protected]

Why Professional QAs and Software Devs May Choose Mailsac Over Disposable Email

Email deliverability testing, and QA testing web apps with multiple account permissions, are critical aspects of software development and Quality Assurance (QA). Although disposable email websites and gmail addresses are a common choice for this task, they present several significant drawbacks for enterprises. This article will detail the advantages of using dedicated email deliverability platforms like Mailsac instead.

Limitations of Disposable Email

1. Security and Privacy

Disposable email platforms typically make all emails public. These websites are frequently crawled by scammers to acquire sensitive information.

Disposable email services often lack robust security measures, exposing sensitive test data. This lack of security can compromise the integrity of testing and risk breaches of confidential information. They rely on security through obscurity – random email addresses that are hopefully unguessable.

Disposable email providers typically do not have Information Security and Assurance programs, and cannot pass a Vendor Risk Assessment.

2. Business Agreements

The terms of service for disposable email services are often unsuitable for professional development and testing contexts. They can include problematic clauses and offer limited protections for users, which isn’t ideal for businesses. The terms and privacy policies tend to be non-negotiable.

3. B2B Interfaces

Disposable email services often lack capabilities for Business-to-Business (B2B) interfacing. This limitation can hinder the integration of these services into larger, automated testing suites, significantly limiting their usefulness in professional testing scenarios.

4. Uptime and Performance

Disposable email services are often slow and lack reliable uptime. These performance issues can introduce unnecessary delays into the testing process and create uncertainties around the reliability of test results. If an email was delayed, it can be hard to know if it was on your end, or theirs.

Advantages of Using Mailsac

Mailsac, as a dedicated email deliverability platform, provides a solution to these limitations and offers considerable advantages for professional QAs and software devs.

1. Enhanced Security

Mailsac prioritizes security, providing secure paid private inboxes and whole subdomains for testing.

You can test your application’s email functionality without risking sensitive data being leaked or public, or sold to a data broker.

2. Professional Business Agreements

Mailsac offers business-friendly terms of service, custom terms, P.O.s, multiple users, SSO and other features designed with the needs of professional QAs and software developers in larger companies with legal and security requirements. This provides a more suitable environment for business operations and testing.

3. Integration and functional testing

Mailsac provides powerful REST APIs, webhooks, and web sockets for integrating into CI/CD and workflows. Companies frequently integrate mailsac seamlessly into their automated testing suite. Using a consumer disposable provider often results in unexpectedly failed builds. Using a professional provider gives you comprehensive and efficient testing and enables continuous deployment.

4. Reliable Performance

Mailsac has high uptime and quick API and UI performance, ensuring a smooth and reliable email testing process. We believe performance is a feature.

5. Share test environment account email addresses

When you are testing a web application, you can use email addresses that are private to your Mailsac account to sign up for your app. Then share those inboxes with your teammates. For example, you may be testing a web app with two RBAC roles – administrator and readonly user. Each can have a unique mailsac email address. Your web app sends a sign-in link via email. All team members can access it (using mailsac’s multi-user or SSO feature). And since it’s not disposable email, the sign-in link to your app’s dev environment won’t be public.

While disposable email services may appear convenient, they come with considerable drawbacks for professional QAs and software devs. They can be against company policies because they may leak proprietary business information. Mailsac, with its robust features and focus on business needs, provides a far more effective solution for email deliverability testing.

QA Testing Email Deliverability using Mailsac: An Overview for QA Managers

The importance of Quality Assurance (QA) testing in software development and operations cannot be overstated. It ensures the product or system performs as expected, minimizing the risk of unexpected failures in production environments. A crucial aspect of QA testing involves testing email deliverability. This article will focus on how to use Mailsac, a leading tool in email testing, to execute this task effectively.

What is Mailsac?

Mailsac is a service providing temporary, “for-test-only” email addresses that can be used for testing and development purposes. Mailsac’s uniqueness lies in its capability to accept emails sent to any unique, auto-generated email addresses under its domain, thus eliminating the need for pre-generating email addresses or setting up a dedicated testing email server.

Why Use Mailsac for Email Deliverability Testing?

Email deliverability testing is vital to ensure emails are correctly dispatched from your application and are appropriately received by your users. Mailsac offers the flexibility to test various email formats and content, inspect the received emails, and verify they are correctly formatted and contain the correct data. This helps mitigate common issues such as emails being marked as spam, lost emails, or broken email formats.

How to Perform QA Testing with Mailsac

Let’s delve into the steps to conduct QA testing for email deliverability using Mailsac.

Step 1: Set Up a Mailsac Account

First and foremost, you need to create a Mailsac account. Visit the Mailsac website and follow the sign-up instructions.

Step 2: Send Emails to Mailsac

Next, send emails from your application to any addresses on the domain. Mailsac is designed in such a way that you don’t need to pre-generate the email addresses. Just decide on the address you want to use and send the email. The inbox will be created automatically when an email is received.

You can send the emails from anywhere, too – personal or work addresses, fake senders, CLI tools, software applications – without a separate sending gateway.

Step 3: Check Email Deliverability

After sending the emails, you can verify their delivery in the Mailsac interface. Here, you can view the received emails, check their contents, and confirm they are correctly formatted. Mailsac also enables you to check if attachments are included correctly using the Unified Inbox or API, and whether the links and images in the email are functioning properly.

Advanced Testing with Mailsac API

For more sophisticated or comprehensive testing, Mailsac offers a robust JSON REST API and Web Socket API. This empowers you to automate the process of sending emails, checking their delivery, and verifying their contents. These API calls can be integrated into your automated testing suite, enabling you to conduct in-depth email deliverability tests as a part of your regular testing process.

Wrapping Up

Mailsac presents a powerful and versatile method to test email deliverability as a part of your QA process. It allows you to send emails to any address on its domain, and the inboxes are created automatically when an email is received. By integrating Mailsac into your QA testing, you can significantly enhance the quality and reliability of your email notifications, thus offering a better user experience. Sign up and start receiving email in seconds.

Unveiling Mailsac’s New API Endpoint Feature: Inbox Filter

A look at filtering email messages with the Mailsac API

Mailsac has rolled out a new API endpoint feature, dubbed “inbox filter.”

It limits email messages using the to, from, and subject fields. Say goodbye to the conventional OR logic of /api/inbox-search and embrace the power of logical AND.

The Inbox Filter Endpoint: Technical Breakdown

The /api/inbox-filter API endpoint accepts the following optional query parameters:

  1. andSubjectIncludes: Filter messages by text included in the subject line
  2. andFrom: Filter messages by text included in the FROM envelope
  3. andTo: Filter messages by text included in the TO envelope

This endpoint delivers results only when at least one query condition is specified, otherwise, expect a 400 error. The response is capped at 100 results, so adjust your query or prune your account accordingly.

JavaScript Unit Test with Mocha and Axios

To illustrate the usage of the /inbox-filter API endpoint, here’s a JavaScript unit test using Mocha and Axios:

const axios = require('axios');
const assert = require('assert');

describe('Inbox Filter API Endpoint Test', () => {
  it('should return filtered messages', async () => {
    const mailsacApiKey = 'your-api-key-here';
    const endpoint = '';
    const andSubjectIncludes = 'Important';
    const andFrom = '[email protected]';
    const andTo = '[email protected]';

    const response = await axios.get(endpoint, {
      headers: { 'Mailsac-Key': mailsacApiKey },
      params: { andSubjectIncludes, andFrom, andTo },

    assert.strictEqual(response.status, 200);
    assert.strictEqual(Array.isArray(, true); => {
      assert.strictEqual(message.subject.includes(andSubjectIncludes), true);
      assert.strictEqual(message.from[0].address.includes(andFrom), true);
      assert.strictEqual([0].address.includes(andTo), true);

Looking for a robust email testing solution that can simplify your workflow and improve efficiency? Look no further, friends. Mailsac offers powerful features like this new inbox filter API endpoint and many more, tailored to meet the needs of developers, testers, and businesses alike. Discover the benefits of Mailsac today and elevate your email management game. Try Mailsac for free or learn more about our plans and join our growing community of satisfied users at

Streamlined Mailsac Updates: Enhancing Email Testing with UI, Performance, and Security Improvements

Get ready for some boring news. At Mailsac, we release a steady stream of updates – week by week, all year long – with no fanfare. We avoid breaking changes wherever possible. Most of our customers have Mailsac integrated deeply into their CI/CD and QA processes. Breaking your build is not cool.

Here’s a recap of improvements we made over the past few months:

  • Updated UI interfaces for managing things like API keys, email addresses, and more. We’re modernizing the main website for security and ease-of-use. Stay tuned for a lot more of this.
  • Additional “Copy text” buttons and cross-browser compatibility improvements.
  • POP3 server fixes to some edge cases around Windows line endings.
  • Over 50 security updates to dependencies which are (hopefully) completely transparent to you.
  • Performance and security upgrades to our underlying servers.

Over time, SaaS services add too many features, getting clunky and slow user interfaces. At Mailsac we’re not beholden to venture capital or shareholders. Customers have our full attention. You pay us for dev and QA tools to help test email. Thus we prioritize speed and singleness of purpose to deliver you those tools. We want to be extremely helpful, yet stay out of your way.

If you’ve ever got issue with Mailsac, paying customers can contact us at [email protected]. A human being will reply pretty quickly, getting you unblocked. (For non-paying users, please ask for help at )